mY hOmEpaYgE

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Leslie <~78
Sandra <~057
Evangelo <~03
Sheila <~58
Teresa <~37
Eric aka Huy <~815
Amie <~47
Christine <~16


shouts.. put ur mouse over it to see da stuff.. k..



- k a r e n e -

- c e c i l i a -

- e v a n g e l o -

- a r n i e -

- v a n e s s a -

- m o r g a n -

- a m e s -

- c h a r l e s -

- s a n d r a -

- n a i t -

- l e s l i e -

- k h a i -

- m a r g a r e t -

- s h e i l a -

- l o n g h a i r -

- l e s t e r -

- m a r l e n e -

- c a r o l -

hey karene..
u've been a hella tight fren for like.. all my life.. *wink wink* i knoe things kinda changed even tho i really wish they didn't.. i miss u lotz -n- i realli want things back like the way they were b4..
but i gues ish cool now.. TC
sup cel!!!
hehehe.. i'm glad we got closer ya knoe.. n like good luck wid dat modeling thing.. im happie 4 u! =) hehe.. well i duno wut to write on here so i'll juss talk to u laterz.. love alwayz!
hi evangelo!!
mochi boi.. umm.. gelo.. e.. hmm i duno wut all the other 1s are.. but arnie made it all up.. haha.. ima jump u frum behind wen skewl starts.. mwahahahaha!! so watch ur bak! newais.. ish kewl we got closer over da summer -n- stuff.. k take carez.. byebye
hi arnie..
u n lester are helllllllllaaaaa mean!!!!!! hahhaha.. but its okae... i forgive u guys.. ima get u n him bak.. watch.. one day....
hi vanessa!!
look okae.. dis time.. i won't put nethin mean!! so u dun have to get butt hurt -n- all.. *hEhe* so.. im glad u had fun at da philipines.. umm ish realli kewl talkin to u during my happie summer so far.. n we should do sumthin sumtime.. -n- *dun worrrie bout it* oh yeah.. GA wid ben -n- vincent!!
hi morgan
morgy, morgasm, morg.. etc.. hehehhe
so.. i haven't talk to u in a while.. have a fun summer.. n i called u but u never picked up..
hi charchar!
ur a kewl bestfren.. stay da same.. oh yeah.. -n- i dun like *ahem* =)
supperz sandra
ish been nice knowing u.. since u have to leave -n- all.. next year.. oh well.. hahahhhaa.. im jp.. we'll miss u.. -n- u knoe wut.. i didn't change.. -n- 1 more thing.. u juss gotta relax bout dat kinda stuff.. okae..
hi leslie!!
ur kewl.. i miss u lots.. so *ahem* -n- oh yeah.. hows daddy?? hahha.. hey we should go mall again.. or more often.. yeah~~ okae well byebyes..
hi margaret!!
howz workin wid my cuzzins?? pain in da ass huh?? yeah look.. -n- sumtime i have to spent all 24/7 wid dem.. *wHoA* hahaha.. okae.. well have a fun summer
whussuperz shenakie!!
eww.. ur nasty.. -n- i haven't talk to u in a while.. im startin to miss u.. haha..
hahahaha.. well lookie.. i gave u a lil shout out thing.. have fun at columbia.. dun cut class.. dun smoke.. dun drink.. dun drop.. etc.. i knoe ur laughin.. stop laughin fool.. hahhaa.. *LiL bAbEe.. aIiIeEe* hAhahhahAH.. okae sorrie.. ttylz.. aiight.. bye
hi marmar
i haven't talk to u in da longest time.. hows work.. hows.. *kHai*?? hahhahahha.. okae remmeber our talks?? newais.. still lovin u!! k bye..
last but not least
hi carol!!
look i put u in here.. cuz ur a kewl lil gurl.. have fun wid long at columbia.. -n- im not mean to u.. why do u keep on sayin dat??
hi ames!!!
how r u?? ur kewl.. thanks 4 listenin.. thanks 4 bein there.. stay happie.. -n- ur realli funie in lit class..
hi lester
ur mean!!!! ima get u bak.. so watch out lil boi.. but i thought dat was kinda umm.. funie.. a little~~~ but yeah.. haha

[ teresa n., teresa c., danny d., daniel h., george r. -n- irish t., joseph b., james l., lionel s., daniel t., christian v., chris az., huy v., joanne g., jaymar c., lew k., joan a., lea a., christine r., kenneth b., emmanuel d., noel g. <~thanks 4 da food!! =), jose g., johnnie <~flare boi, john h., jerry r., kathy p., kathy c., crystle p. ]





Special Thanks

Special Thanks for Cel for alwayz being there for meh when i was down and for being such a hella cool fren

Special Thanks to my very bestfren Evangelo for listenin to my problems n for bein there for meh!!.. hehe!!

Special Thanks to Karene.. for alwayz listenin to meh.. for puttin up wit meh.. haha.. for bein mah bestfren...

Special Thanks to ARNIE for being a hella koo fren!! i won't tell neone the secrets u tell meh.. ur like my bestfren!!

Special Thanks to my cuz.. Sandra.. thanks fer always tryin to help meh out.. thanks for caring.. thanks for watchin my back.. ur da best

Special Thanks to bestfren!!.. CharChar.. thanks fer always tryin to help meh out with my problems.. for actin like a big bro.. thanks!! ^_^